BATTLE READY - The Power of Asking in Prayer

Sunday, February 9nd Sermon Recap

There is Power in the Ask

Prayer is not simply an act of communication with God; it is an act of trust. It is a demonstration of our faith in a Father who listens, cares, and responds. Yet, for many of us, asking God for things feels uncomfortable. We might feel ashamed, uncertain, or even afraid that if we ask and don’t receive, we will somehow diminish God's power in the eyes of others.

But Jesus repeatedly encourages us to ask. In Matthew 7:7-8, He declares,

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

This isn’t just a casual suggestion—it’s an invitation into a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father. When we ask, we acknowledge our dependence on Him. We affirm that He is capable of providing, that He is good, and that He desires to give us what is best.

Why We Struggle to Ask

If we understand that God is a loving Father who desires to bless us, why do so many of us hesitate to ask? The reasons vary, but some common struggles include:

  1. Fear of Disappointment – What if we ask and don’t receive what we want? Does that mean God isn’t listening?
  2. Feeling Unworthy – We may believe our needs or desires are too trivial or that others deserve God’s attention more.
  3. Misunderstanding God’s Will – We might assume that God will only grant us what we need without our asking, so why bother?

Yet, scripture shows that God expects us to bring our desires before Him, just as a child naturally asks a parent for help.

Biblical Examples of Bold Asking

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of people who boldly asked God for what they needed—and God answered in powerful ways.

Hannah: Asking for the Impossible
Hannah’s story in 1 Samuel 1 is a beautiful example of faith-filled asking. She was barren, deeply distressed, and longing for a child. Rather than resigning herself to fate, she poured out her heart before the Lord, asking for a son. Not only did God answer her prayer, but He gave her Samuel, who became one of Israel’s greatest prophets.

Solomon: Asking for Wisdom
In 1 Kings 3:5-14, Solomon, newly crowned as king, was given an incredible opportunity—God told him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Instead of requesting wealth or power, Solomon asked for wisdom. God was so pleased with this request that He granted him wisdom and also blessed him with riches and honor beyond measure.

Blind Bartimaeus: Asking Without Shame
In Mark 10:46-52, the blind man Bartimaeus cries out loudly to Jesus, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Though the crowd tries to silence him, he refuses to back down. He keeps asking—until Jesus stops and grants him healing. His bold persistence led to his sight being restored.

Elijah: Asking for Miracles
Elijah, in 1 Kings 18, prays for fire to fall from heaven in front of the prophets of Baal. His prayer wasn’t a quiet or timid request; it was a confident petition, rooted in trust that God would reveal His power. And God answered—sending fire from heaven and proving Himself as the one true God.

What Happens When we Ask?

Asking in prayer is not about forcing God’s hand or treating Him like a vending machine. Instead, the act of asking does several important things in our spiritual lives:

  • It Builds Trust – When we ask God for something, we express confidence in His ability to provide.
  • It Strengthens Our Faith – Each answered prayer reminds us that God is active and involved in our lives.
  • It Cultivates Gratitude – As we receive from the Lord, we grow in appreciation for His goodness.
  • It Keeps Us Humble – Recognizing our need for God keeps us dependent on Him rather than on ourselves.

The Role of Intercession: Asking for Others

Asking isn't just about our personal needs. True spiritual maturity moves us beyond self-focused prayers to interceding for others.

Jesus Himself modeled intercessory prayer, most notably in Luke 22:32, where He tells Peter,

"I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail."

Abraham interceded for Sodom in Genesis 18, pleading with God to spare the city if righteous people could be found. Moses interceded for Israel after they sinned with the golden calf, asking God to forgive them (Exodus 32:11-14).

If we truly love others, we will ask boldly on their behalf. Imagine what would happen if we persistently prayed for our families, our church, and our communities the way Jesus and the prophets did.

Unleashing the Power of Asking in Our Lives

What if we took Jesus at His word and truly became people who asked boldly? What if we:

  • Prayed daily for our needs without hesitation?
  • Sought wisdom and discernment from God in every decision?
  • Interceded for the salvation of friends and family?
  • Asked God to use our church to reach the lost?

God is not reluctant to give—He is a Father who delights in blessing His children. But He invites us into the process through prayer.

So today, let’s take a step of faith. Let’s ask boldly, expectantly, and persistently. And let’s watch as God moves in ways beyond what we could ever imagine.

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